
Hi, I am Arbaz Khan, a Computer Science Engineer.

Published 2 Research papers in International journals with 1 copyright from Govt Copyright Office India at the age of 21.
Teaching over 100,000+ Students about programming around the globe, Offering 3 Bestseller courses on 12 different E-Learning platforms.
I have 5 years+ experience in Research, IoT, Python, Data Science, and Teaching. Also, I am good at C, C++, and JAVA.
I love to Automate stuff using Python Programming Language like Home Automation and other tasks to make my life easy and save time.
I'm also running my startup named GetSetCode(GSC) where We are working on innovative real-time projects related to AI, ML, IOT, Automation, and Robotics. With a vision of teaching students the latest and fastest growing technologies at an affordable price.
